Volume: 30ml/ 50 ml (milligram)

Color: 6


Characteristic: It has a ligh, pleasant fragrance. It’s simply used to make the Poly Gel easy to shape, Poly Gel nails do not exponence heat spikes during curing. There is no tacky layer after curing. Poly Gel is more flexible than acrylic, stronger than hard gel and lighter than both The product should be filed off, not soaked off.


  1. Prep the nail and apply a tip. Apply one coat of PH Bond to the natural nail only. Then, apply one coat at nail Primer to the natural nail only.
  2. Squeeze the tube of PolyGel to release the product and slice of the desired amount with the flar edge of the Poly Tool.
  3. Use the PolyTool to roll the product onto the nail.
  4. Switch to the brush side of the PolyTool. Dip the brush into the cleanser than shape the nail by lightly patting the PolyGel product. Kteping the brush close to the surface, continue until the nail and up are covered. Cure the nail for 30 seconda in an LED lamp.
  5. To smooth the surface lightly file tha nail with a 180-grit file. Finish shaping with a 180-grit buffer
  6. Cleanse the nail Apply one coat of gel base coat and cure for 5 seconds. Then, wipe a clean gel brush over the surface of the nail to remove any excess base coat this will cause the surface to become slightly tacky and allow the gel la adhere better.

7. Apply two coats of gel polish, curing after each 8. To finish, apply gel no wipe top coat and cure, done.